SOUTH BEND. Ind.--Notre Dame University recently expelled two students spending their sophomore year abroad for the sale on drugs, and an additional 20 undergraduates face suspension when they return at the end of the semester.
The university took immediate action against the two students because of the more serious nature of their offenses. One of the two students who were expelled was selling drugs, and the other was already on probation for past offenses. Richard Conklin, a university spokesman said this week.
The 20-other students may appeal their suspension when they return and if suspended may apply for readmission in the fall, he added.
Twenty one of the students involved were among 34 studying at the University of Innsbruck. Austria, the other was studying at the University of Angiers in France.
Conklin said he repeatedly told students that they were accountable to the university for isolations of its rules, regardless of where they were studying.
He said drug use by American students in Europe is a problem, but Georgia Stewart, a spokesman for the National Association for Foreign Student Affairs, denied that there wide-spread drug abuse abroad, the College Press Service reported recently.
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