
Keeping Track . . .

Even though President Bok has stated his opposition to separate Commencement speakers at graduate school exercises, officials at the Kennedy School of Government said last week they are still considering inviting a separate speaker to this year's June 10 ceremony.


Several members of the Harvard Republican club said their new president used unethical methods to secure votes in the organization's February 25 election.

Members accused president Gregory J. Gross '83 of paying dues for at least 16 members in exchange for their support. Gross denied the charges, which were the latest in a series of intra-club problems during the past four years.



Among 272 freshmen polled. 15 percent this week said Eliot or Quincy was their first-choice House for next year. Leverett was the overwhelming selection as a second-choice House with 28 percent. While Mather was the highest selection for a third-choice with 23 percent. North House and Mather House shared the least popular choices with 1 percent.

Freshmen will learn the results of the lottery March 25.


Mayor Alfred E. Vellucci couldn't believe that it would cost $2500 to erect signs changing the name of Boylston St. to John F. Kennedy St. "They must want to make them out of gold," Vellucci said at last Monday's City Council meeting, postponing the funding request for a week. Vellucci said that before he would approve the $2500. "I'll make them [the signs] myself."

The council approved the name change last October, but delayed the sign switch for six months because local businessmen said they needed time to adjust.


The two month old dispute between Harvard Real Estate's Ware St. tenants and the University got more personal and more serious last week. Daniel J. Giatrelis, an HRE official charged tenant leader Robert Epstein with assault and battery after an argument stemming from the installation of controversial storm windows in apartments at 9-13 Ware St.

University officials allege that Epstein pushed Giatrelis when the men argued and said his actions may result in his eviction. Epstein denies the charges and says he was only complaining about being struck by some debris from the renovation.


One hundred fifty Harvard professors have joined more than 650 of their Boston area colleges in attacking a presidential report which states that human rights have recently improved in EI Salvador. The professors signed a petition which urged the U.S. to end all military and to the Latin American country and are planning an intensive lobbying effort in Washington this spring.


Although calling last week's Women's History Week an "overwhelming success," organizers of the event strongly criticized the University-especially Radcliffe-for a pathetic job of financing and publicizing the event.
