
Looking at the Post-Brezhnev Era

Harvard Experts Discuss the Future of Yuri Andropov

Powell: If I could take a guess. I would say Andropov will in fact allow more emigration. It's a cheap and attractive way of demonstrating bonafides. For the Soviets to do this will allow them to relieve themselves of "disagreeable" types, maybe some of the lower level Jewish dissidents or refusniks. They will be given front headline treatment in the Washington Post or The New York Times attesting to the relatively benevolent character of this regime.

Crimson: Is there any chance Andropov might pursue an arms reduction agreement, or can we expect to see Andropov continuing along the same path as Brezhnev, deploying such Soviet missiles as the SS-4's, 5's, and 20's?

Powell: I very definitely see Andropov continuing along Brezhnev's path. They are just beginning to reap the rewards of having gained numerical superiority. This is hardly a time to change course. From the Soviet point of view, the purpose of these weapons is to promote the likelihood of using them for intimidation purposes. I see, from the point of view of the Politburo, no reason to expect change, rather a lot of patting themselves and each other on the back for the successes they have achieved.

Tsypkin: I would say they will continue a surreptitious deployment of SS-20. One of its characteristics is it is very difficult to monitor, making it a destabilizing force.

Beissinger: I think that he will try to pursue an arms agreement. He will be a tougher negotiator than Brezhnev was. He has laid blame on the Reagan Administration for not pursuing arms negotiations seriously. That's not a new change at all.


Powell: To amplify something both of you said, it seems to me that there are two weapons of particular interest to the Andropov regime and particular concern to the United States. I would say on the strategic level, they will give more attention to faster MIR Ving of submarine launch missiles. It is the SS-20 that they care most about as an intermediate range system, it can reach anywhere in Western Europe. They are also mobile....highly accurate and can be used as counter-force weapons ... For exactly the same reason why the Russians say they are so distressed at the Americans about the MX. Western Europeans are rightly concerned about the SS-20. The SS-20 is definitely something Andropov will continue on with in Europe.

Crimson: Do you think Andropov will take greater advantage of the disgruntlement illustrated by the Peace Movement in Western Europe with the United States and turn it around to act in Russia's favor?

Powell: Yes I do We are in for a period in which the Soviets are going to use even more skillfully than they have in the past a combination of approaches. One is the peace offensive, another is a much more covert use of terror, and a third is the willingness to rely on intimidation by weapons preponderance in the European theater.

Tsypkin: Andropov has been in the middle of assessing Western weaknesses and strengths for many years. His instrumental knowledge of how to deal with the West is much stronger than with any Soviet leader before him.

Beissinger: However, we have this image of this urbane, Western intellectual who knows an awful lot about our society. I'm not sure he knows all that much about our society. He is a shrewd man. It is said he has modern art on his walls and likes to listen to records and that those are the major signs that he is indeed Westernized. But, he is a man who has never traveled outside of the Soviet bloc...I want to show that he is not as fascinated with Western culture as we may think.

Crimson: There are over 100 different nationalities which exist in the Soviet Union today. Despite efforts by Russia's leader to squelch this ethnicity, these national groups continue to be viable forces and are increasingly becoming the cause of intro-Soviet instability. Do you see Andropov adopting any significantly new plan to deal with these various nationalities?

Beissinger: Well, I think the major problem they are going to come up against is connected with the fact that the economic pie is growing at a slower rate, so they're going to have real problems with resource allocation. I think the next period is going to be one of increasing regional and ethnic conflict. It will be an issue that will overhang almost everything else. Generally, what seems to have been happening in the last 15 years, there has been a growing sense of nationalism among everyone, not just among the minorities, but among the Russians as well. For instance there have been riots in Estonia, and Georgia in the past five years.

Powell: Central Asians have manifested their ethnic distinction by refusing to become acculturated ... Only a small minority want to move from their villages into the cities and take urban jobs. The real problem is going to come from the labor side. There is a serious labor shortage in the Soviet Union. Most of the increment to the labor force is going to have to be from central Asians...I see Andropov using more traditional methods to deal with this new work force, methods associated with Stalin's era. There will be more of an effort to combat drinking and absenteeism. There will be an effort to fire workers who are not doing their jobs. The end result will still be ethnic friction because the top jobs will always be held by the Russians. The party leadership overwhelmingly represents the Russians.

Crimson: Andropov is already 68 years old. Do you see the changes that he will make as interim changes lasting only until a younger leader takes over who is destined to be in office for a longer time?

Beissinger: To a certain extent, his age precludes him being able to put a great stamp on the Soviet system. He will probably be known more in Soviet history for having set the stage for what is going to happen next--having created the atmosphere, having initiated the policies, having moved the people into place for what is going to happen five or six years from now.

Powell: In a phrase made famous by Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels: "No ruling class ever voluntarily gives up state power." I would be astonished if the ruling class in the USSR, especially under new leadership, volunteers to do so.
