LAWRI NCEVILLE. Ka.--The director of a University of Kansas religious group recently said he will continue to fight against the sale of pornographic magazines at the Kansas Union because "I love students at the University of Kansas and don't want them to die"
Steve Mobley, director of the Maranatha Campus Ministries, predicted that his group would eventually succeed in banning the sale of sex-oriented magazines at the Union. The University Daily Kansan reported last month.
Members of Maranatha submitted a petition to the vice chancellor for student affairs protesting the union's sale of all pornography including Playboy. Playgirl and penthouse magazines.
"If we take these things off the shelves," Mobley said, "then we're going to see a lot of things happen, like a drop in rape and a drop in incest."
Lisa Ashner, chairman of the Student Senate Executive Committee and a member of a union merchandising board studying the complaint, said she was opposed to taking the magazines off the shelves.
"I think you have to look at the university as a protector of freedoms," she added.
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