
Paul Gompers

Off to a Running Start in Cross Country

Overall, the school has more than met his expectations. His experience here so far, he says, has been "fascinating."

"What I really find exciting is going to class, and there in front of me are the professors who I've heard so much about and whose books I've read."

For the future, he is looking toward the Greater Boston Championships later this fall, and from there he hopes to qualify for the nationals.

"Being in the East is a great asset," he says, "since there are a lot of special distance events held which give me better opportunities to compete."

Celebrity status--and national prominence--has in no way been a detriment to Gompers' adjustment to Harvard.


"Sometimes I get poked fun at because I'm a freshman and because I've done so well, but it's all good-natured ribbing," he says.

"He's treated like everyone else on the team," adds Haggerty.

Gompers has found the team's spirit to be the most impressive aspect of Harvard's cross-country program, and likes the fact that "everyone pulls for one and other.

"I honestly can't think of a place I'd rather be," he says, heading off to afternoon practice.

For Paul Gompers, it was back to the daily routine.
