
Fight Fiercely Harvard:

Cheerleading was reborn at Harvard two years ago. With a little help from the athletic department. 14 women and four men agreed to attempt to resurrect an art form that had died amidst the politics and protest of the late sixties.

Well-scrubbed, pep-filled, and pom-pommed, the cheerleading unit debuted early in the football season. They cried:

Crimson, ready, fight

Go Crimson, fight

We've got spirit, we've got might


Go Crimson, fight

The Harvard Band survived the sixties more easily: in the last few years, in fact, they've assumed the role of cantankerous artistic arbiter at Harvard Stadium. The Band looks at sports the way a lot of people here do; they are out to have fun, down a little booze, and sit in the sun. They lack pep.

So when the cheerleaders began their routines, the Band came up with its own set of cheers. A sampler:

Tear his arm off

Tear his leg off

We love football

Beat him, beat him

Buck him, buck him

C'mon Harvard

Knock him down and really

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