
Photo, Photo, Photo, Photo

That admission, however, seems dubious. Photo watched too much baseball to have time for girls' mysteries. She estimates that she's been to 275 baseball games. And she can answer almost any trivia question ever devised on her Cardinals.

"The worst thing about Harvard was not being near the Cardinals. On opening night freshman year I couldn't hear the game, and I just sat on my bed and cried," she says. "My first night at Harvard--I hadn't even met my roommates--I dropped off my bags, and my mom and I went to a Red Sox-Tigers doubleheader. They were great games, too. I wanted to see Bernie Carbo play.

"My dad hates baseball because of his daughter. He grew up in Greece where they didn't have any baseball, and I used to cry after games and kick in t.v. sets," Photo admits. Her father was furious when he found out during freshman parents' weekend that every paper Photo had written at Harvard was on baseball.

Photo's parents are probably resigned by now to her penchant for decorating her bedroom with baseball pictures. "It's my wall of fame," she says, and her habit of baking cakes for the Cardinal squad. "There was one year I only missed keeping score three times," she says. "If I had to go to bed I would write the scores on old sheets."

More than half of Winthrop House knows by now that she lives in the heart of Cardinal Country--Belleville, Ill.--a city of almost 50,000 ten miles southeast of Busch Stadium. "I tell everybody it's the home of Jimmy Connors, Buddy Ebsen, and Tuborg Gold," Photo says. "In eighth grade, one of my goals was to be senator from Illinois, president of the United States, and then the ultimate goal--owner of the Cardinals."


How do you characterize a Harvard student who practically subsidizes Baker Library with $200 library fines, but who has been hired by investment bankers at Morgan Stanley? Who tells dirty jokes, but makes her roommates say the punchlines? Who loves to take showers but has been known to stack 13 beer kegs in her bathtub? Photo sums it up: "I think I'm sorta normal.
