He added after a moment. "Why don't you just take a vote--find out how many people would like to get up and leave and how many would like to hear you talk about supply-side economics."
And Anderson took his advice. to the word. When Anderson's slot was over, Mondale, whose husband is rumored to be considering a shot at the 1984 presidency, spoke for the entire audience when she said that the speech was "exceedingly hard to hear." She added. "I hard no criticism of it."
Early Morning Quotables
The symposium resumed at 8:30 the following morning for a series of lectures at Gund Hall, Levitt spoke about small entrepreneurs. quoting Lewis Mumford and the needlepoint legend on a pillow a friend gave her. Buckwald, who noted that. "It is no accident that Knoll invited a humorist to discuss the topic of creative leadership." said. "The organization responsible for all our troubles in the Middle East is the Harvard Business School--if they hadn't taught the sons of Arah sheiks to-screw us, oil would be $3 a harrel."
After a break for lunch. Miller spoke: he quoted Shakespeare. And the weekend closed with a 45-minute speech by Brzezinksi, who told the assembled guests of Knoll. "If the Middle Eastern region becomes destablized or controlled by an adversary the scales of history will be tipped." He explained that American currently has a "no-fallback position" on the Persian Gulf, adding. "We are faced with another power over which we do not have strategic superiority--I will not say that we are inferior, but the relationship of power is ambiguous and that is a novel situation."
After his speech, as he dashed into a waiting limousine. Brzezinski was asked why he was speaking at a symposium on creative leadership. "Because I like Boston." he said. Why the Graduate School of Design? "Because I like the building."
A GFI Knoll official said yesterday that Brzezinski's speaker's fee for the symposium was $15,000