1. Brezhnev invites him to summit for arms reduction.
2. He refuses.
3. Cuts assistance to every human need.
4. Slashes taxes of millionaires.
5. Puts your tax dollars and mine to mammoth militarism.
6. Decontrols oil--prices skyrocket.
7. Chops down national forests.
8. Castrates Environmental Protection Agency.
9. Starts war in Salvador.
10. Impeach Reagan gains momentum! Heary Ratliff
In the campaign Ron repeatedly assures the people he's not trigger happy--will not start war. A few weeks in office, he starts war in Salvador. Presidents liars? He's the latest example! Henry Ratilff
In peaceful response to Assyrian militarism 2700 years ago and Roman occupation 700 years later, Isaiah and Jesus are models for era of thermonuclear war! Heary Ratilff