
Students Ask for Debate of Report

Dowling Committee Member Urges Quick Disclosure

The council will be financed by a $60,000 budget created through the addition of a ten-dollar activities fee to the term bill. Some of the $60,000 will be used to fund the student council, while the rest of the money will be distributed to various student groups.


The Student Assembly also discussed the Committee on Rights and Responsibilities (CRR), a body set up in 1969 to discipline students which has been the subject of a student boycott. All Houses except Adams and South have refused to send members to the CRR thisyear, and Adams House is reconsidering its vote this week.

Drucker said that it was "unfortunate" that the CRR was not included in the Dowling Committee's review of student governance, adding that the CRR should be either revised or abolished.

The Assembly supported a petition--proposed by Levine--which calls on Congress to reconsider proposed budget cuts that would affect college students. Reagan has proposed cuts in, among other programs, the Basic Educational Opportunity Grants and National Defense Student Loans, and the Social Security benefits for college students.


The Student Assembly also passed a motion to support Gay Awareness Day to be held April 12, and will consider supporting a candlelight march on March 12 protesting U.S. aid to El Salvador
