

Leader of the Band

The mention of nuns immediately prompts Horne into recounting her favorite movie, "Airplane."

"It's a great movie, it's really zany. How can you not think that movie is funny?" After a short pause, she adds "I guess I like to laugh at stupid jokes."

While Horne has already seen "Air-plane" four times, many on the team have never seen the movie and will never need to. "She tells it on every bus trip," recalls a teammate, adding. "I've never seen it, but I know it by heart, thanks to Pat."

That's Entertainment

As Horne jumps up from the table, swinging her arms in a mock punch scene, one can't help but be struck with the contrast between this lively, gesticulating comedian with the short brown bobbed haircut and laughing eyes, and the calm, cool, unruffled pointguard out on the court, setting the pace and bringing the ball down with a business-like attitude.


But maybe these two images are not really so different. After all, they're both Pat Horne, doing what she loves best.
