Reardon, an unaffiliated candidate and former teacher in the Cambridge school system, says he wonders why the system is "top-heavy with administrators" when teachers are being dismissed to reduce the school system's budget.
Last spring the present school committee voted to extend the contracts of superintendent of schools William C. Lannon and assistant superintendent Oliver Brown for three years, a decision Reardon says effectively removed control over the superintendent from the incoming school committee and the voters. (Each school committee sits for two years).
Reardon promises to see that funds are distributed evenly throughout the system, adding the city council should work to find additional resources for the entire city, but that the school committee must look for ways to make cuts and save money that would not necessarily affect the quality of education.
The present school committee, Reardon says, handled the dismissal of teachers "haphazardly," adding that he thought the CTA had a "legitimate argument" concerning layoffs.
Jane F. Sullivan
Jane Sullivan--who has spent more than $5000 on her campaign--could not be reached for comment.
Part of an old political family, Sullivan has told candidates' forums that neighborhood schools should be kept open and children allowed to attend them. The CTA's contract should be honored--lay-offs should be according to seniority, Sullivan says, and adds that Cambridge students should be working to improve their scores on national tests designed to measure scholastic achievement.