
Third-Seeded Booters Ready to Go

Will Power

Ivy League MVP Jenny Greeley, who pulled her hamstring against the Huskies, sat out Friday's Yale game and is ready to go at midfield. No such luck for fullback Ellen Jakovic, who suffered a severe groin pull in the Ivies and still has trouble running. She may see spot action on Saturday or Sunday.

To fill the gap on the backline, Scalise will move Laura Mayer from midfield to full back and platoon Jenny Rayport and Merry Ann Moore in Mayer's spot. The arrangement worked successfully at the Easterns with the rest of the midfield--Greeley, Cat Ferrante, and Inga Larson, with help from back striker Alicia Carrillo--performing superlatively.

The Crimson bench, bolstered by J.V. striker Louy Meachem, turned in a strong game against Yale and should fill in adequately if needed. If Judge should reinjure her finger, reserve goalie Barb Mahon, who led the booters to the Ivy crown three years ago, constitutes a starter-caliber replacement.

The Crimson's biggest asset remains its ability to create opportunities and to capitalize on them. Whomever Harvard plays, the contests will surely be close and the victor will probably be the squad which gets the breaks. And in that case, the booters stand in good stead.

"Harvard's a tournament team. With their backs against the wall, they come through," says UMass coach Ken Banda. "They may not have all the best players, but their players compete for every last minute, and those are the players who win games."


"When the chips were down, whether at the Ivies, against UMass [when Harvard scored two goals in the last ten minutes to come from behind and defeat the Minutemen, 2-1, in the Eastern semi-finals], of against UConn, we've been able to come through," adds Scalise. "We make things happen."

If the Crimson can stay close to its opponents during this weekend's matches, look for a brand new trophy at the Varsity Club on Monday.
