
Yo Ho for Bernie the Roach

Krieger tells the story of one particularly memorable concert in New Orleans, at a convention of the National Conference of Americal Choral Directors. The convention featured concerts by choral groups of all kinds, from elementary school kids' choruses to large professional groups. The Harvard Glee Club sang the last pieces in the program. "It was a twenty minute program," Krieger says, "and we sang really well. Almost as well as we had ever sung. Afterwards, someone came up to me on the bus and said, 'You're part of the Harvard Glee Club, aren't you? If it hadn't been for your performance, the whole convention might have been a washout. You showed us what men's choral singing is all about. Thanks.' Well that was one of the nicest things that's ever happened to me. It made it really not so bad to have to wear a Glee Club tie, you know?"

Bernie Krieger is wearing his Glee Club tie again this year. He will not be singing with the Collegium; tighter Glee Club rehearsals forbid it, "and I could use a few more evenings free, anyway." Dr. Krieger, having spent last summer in the Mediterranean area with Collegium as tour physician, looks forward now to accompanying the Glee Club to China in the same capacity. "I'm very excited about it," he says, "we'll be doing some good singing this year."

And for how long does Bernie Krieger intend to continue singing with the Glee Club? "Oh, I don't know," he replies. "I suppose that I'll keep singing and accompanying for as long as the Glee Club remains musically rewarding. And, of course, as long as they'll have me."

The Bernie Krieger Song

Yo Ho for Bernie Krieger


Our resident M.D.

Be it heart attack or hangnail

Bernie Krieger is the man to see

He'll cure whatever ails you

You'll love his firm approach

Bum pa bah bah bah bah

Bernie's--a roach!

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