
Bar-Hopping in Bruinland

More B.S.

And, Buddy Cianci or not, I'll take him up on it: Brown 28, Harvard 24.

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Crystal Gayle did a great job with last week's picks, but she's back home in Rocky Top, Tenn., and can't be reached for this week's selections. So, after studying the football publications, daily sports pages of 100 major newspapers and the Top 40 pop music charts from 1962-67, I am ready to predict this week myself.

YALE 9, DARTMOUTH 7--It won't be the season's most exciting game, but it might be the best. Yale is everybody's choice to win the league, but if the Green can win this defensive struggle it should go all the way. Lots of defense, not much scoring, and a last second Eli field goal.

PRINCETON 28, PENN 3--Deck Franklin Field with bombs from Holly, fa la la la la...


HOLY CROSS 50 COLUMBIA 2--Holy Cross is 3-1 in the Ivies and gunning for the title. Columbia is back in the doldrums.

BUCKNELL 49, CORNELL 30--The Bisons embarrass the Big Red as yet another conference squad falls to an outsider. Are you listening, Mr. Giamatti?

Last Week: 3-1 Season: 19-12, .613. Number three but trying harder.
