
Playing The Game

The hike in the Massachusetts drinking age and earlier game time changes many business' approach to this weekend. Two years ago The Bow and Arrow Pub had a 25 per cent increase in business during the Harvard-Yale weekend, Pete Penslerak, the pub's bartender said, adding that the increased drinking age will make this weekend less profitable.

But Lenny Miceli, who has worked at University Liquors for the last 18 years, said that the amount of liquor sold, which always increase on football weekends, never varies from Harvard-Yale game to Harvard-Yale game

Mike Stone, manager of Mug 'n Muffin, expects a "big breakfast crowd," while Bill Bartley from Bartley's Burger Cottage said that a lot of people will be coming in around 11:30 for brunch, adding that, "I'm nervous already" about the amount of extra work.

Preparations for the game began last night with a pep rally in the Freshman Union and a wealth of parties. John P. Reardon Jr. '60, director of athletics, sponsored a cocktail party at the Kennedy School for the varsity club, all the alumni who played on varsity teams.

A dozen freshmen enjoyed a candlelight dinner with tablecloth and wine at the Union. "We're getting ready for the game," Sarah J. Albee '84 said last night.


"All leaves were cancelled for today," a Harvard Security officer said last night. One hundred per cent of the force will be on duty today covering the American Broadcasting Company's tent at the game and tonight covering the parties. "We don't expect any trouble," he added, "just a lot of people."

The band's 5' x 7' banner was stolen earlier this week. Though it is customary for Yalies to pull pranks, "it could have been anyone," Dan Hirschliner '81, drillmaster of the band, said yesterday.

The only differences in the day's program as a result of ABC's televised coverage are the starting time of 12:30 p.m. and the lengthening of half-time to 20 minutes.

A few people are not pleased with ABC's coverage. Stan Wojcik, a writer and producer at WCVB, the Boston ABC station, said yesterday Channel 5 has been receiving five to ten phone calls every day this week complaining that the Harvard-Yale game is preempting Michigan-Ohio State.

But not everyone was aware of the Game. Elliot Richardson, who was handling out stereo leaflets at the Square yesterday, did not know of any game today. His response when finding out, "Thanks. I'll definitely be here tomorrow."

So will lots of other people.

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