
The Purest Sport

Doctoroff's Orders

K-House will build its offense around a strong line, consisting entirely of returning starters. Mike Ryan and Len Bush will share the quarterbacking chores, and will direct a run-oriented attack. "Hey," coach Haywood Miller says, "If we can run on guys, we'll just run all day."

One team that won't just be running is Winthrop/Leverett. They've got a live arm in the person of sophomore Q.B. Charlie Slack, and he'll heave to running back Wayne McZuffy and a gang of talented receivers.

Currier House is "a little inexperienced" with only one player having played House ball before. What they have, according to quarterback John Ealy, is "a random shipment of 23 freshman football players," thanks to the spring draft.

The best of the worst may just turn out to be Mather/Dunster, which promises an exciting brand of passing football. Keith Dowds will pitch and hand off to standout running back Mark Rosen, but depth will be a problem.

It's just a hunch, but Eliot may develop into a decent squad. If so, the defense must do it all, and coach Rich Iorio has confidence, saying, "no team will score more than six points on us this year." Wait and see.


And then there's Lowell. Don't bet on the Bellboys.

So that's it. Real sport. If you want to see it, just amble down behind the Stadium Tuesday afternoon. There, in the twilight, the stars of Harvard athletics really come out.
