It has not come out in favor of either complete or limited withdrawal. Indeed, it has not taken any steps to alter significantly corporate policies in South Africa. A growing number of Harvard Faculty members believe that Harvard should take positive action. We are convinced that corporate withdrawal is necessary and that divestiture will promote such withdrawal. Therefore we urge Harvard to adopt a policy of divestiture.
This article has been co-signed by the following Faculty members, and the South Africa Solidarity Committee:
Gosta Esping-Anderson, instructor in Sociology
Patrice L-R. Higonnet, professor of History
Thomas Holt, associate professor of Afro-American Studies and History
S.R. Cudjoe, assistant professor of Afro-American Studies
Neal Koblitz, assistant professor of Mathematics
A. Prabhakar Rao, assistant professor of Mathematics
David Rohrlich, assistant professor of Mathematics
Mary Nolan, assistant professor of History
Joel S. Migdal, associate professor of Government
Theda Skocpol, associate professor of Sociology