
Two Soccer Players Make the Game Look Easy

Sophomore Gives the Opposition the Runaround

"I like the idea of a growing sport; lacrosse is kind of stagnant," the Psych major said.

In addition, Ferrante likes playing soccer, particularly at Harvard, because of the camaraderie of the team: "It's the closest team I've ever played on."

And Ferrante has played on a lot of teams.

In high school she played lacrosse in the spring, basketball in the winter and field hockey in the fall until she said, "I decided in my junior year that I didn't like running while I was bent over, so I switched sports."



The ease with which Ferrante changed sports follows her personal belief that she can adapt to anything: "It's sort of bad in a way because I could be happy in a dump; things don't upset me."

Ferrante said that some people call her a "space cadet" because she "doesn't get hyper over being late to practice." However, her collection of empty pen cartridges--begun because someone told her that she needed a hobby--suggests that label may have some credence.

Yet, whether she's spacy, or as Scalise suggests, merely cheerful, Ferrante takes things in stride--both literally and figuratively.
