
Statistics 110g. Introduction to Predictions

Gin and Bear It

2. 5'9" All-Ivy bucket star Glenn Fine will not perform a helicopter-dunk on a breakaway lay-up this year.

3. The Harvard hockey team will not allow a goal to be scored against them in Watson Rink in 1978.

4. Olympic silver - medalist Bobby Hackett will not win the Head of the Charles.

5. Mike Desaulniers will not win the intramural squash tournament.

6. Currier House will not win the Straus Cup.


7. Larry Brown will not be allowed to quarterback from a pitcher's mound.

8. Harvard will not spend $100 million on a new sports complex and then will not offer a bid to host the 1984 Olympics

9. I will not "score" at the Quad for 100 years.

10. Bok's Jocks will lose to the Crimson hoop team, 23-2, for the eighth consecutive year.
