
Sigh of Relief


To the Editors of The Crimson:

I was so happy to receive the August 11 issue of The Crimson and read that it was really all one big mistake that Harvard told me I as going to be one of 1600 sophomores living in Grays Hall next year.

You see, I am a graduate of a very distinctive preparatory school and it is imperative that I live in my original choice of houses, Eliot House, of course. I felt so very isolated and well, kind of lost when I had to live in there was one person in my dormitory who went to public highschool in the Bronx? Well, you can imagine what Mommy and Daddy had to say when they heard this.

Besides, and this is sort of a secret, I have an incredible crush on Master Heimert. I would hate to be so far away from him for another whole year. Yours very truly.   Bettina Skorberg '81


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