i. a statistical summary of the wage and job classification structure of the company's labor force at all levels, indicating the relationships of average wages, racial composition, and job classification levels;
ii. a statement describing the efforts made by the company to achieve equitable racial representation within job categories;
iii. a statement describing the efforts being made to establish wage parity within job classification levels across racial groups;
iv. a statement describing the relationships between the company and any labor unions which represent any employees, including a statement describing the company's policy toward recognition of non-white trade unions;
v. a statement describing the benefits available to employees, including an explanation of any benefits which are available to members of one race but not to another;
vi. a statement describing the company's efforts, if any, to make educational opportunities available to non-white employees and their families; and
vii. a statement describing the company's policies and practices with respect to non-white migrant labor, including the company's policy regarding the families of such workers;
d. an annual income statement and balance sheet specifically covering the company's South African operation.