Long-term goals notwithstanding, the upcoming Hilles Library Show is receiving the caucus's immediate attention. The show, which will open January 10 and remain on view until January 29, is the first university-wide activity coordinated by the ASC. The exhibit is not limited to works done within the confines of VES courses; anyone wishing to submit work should contact Paul Douglas (8-2042), Jeanine Kelly (8-2043) or Andrea Kantrowitz (661-9784) as soon as possible. The final deadline for submissions will be January 5. Further publicity will appear in dining halls and public places around campus.
Another goal of the ASC is to negotiate a small area--preferably somewhere in the Carpenter Center--to develop as a meeting or gathering place for students. This lounge area would serve to combat the isolation some students experience, would provide an area for a "resource bank" with information on events and opportunities for students, and "would give students somewhere to relax between long periods of tiring studio work, meanwhile representing our efforts toward positive improvement," says David Saul, who has been investigating the possible location of such a lounge.
The Carpenter Center, however, does have an image as a treasure, a sacrosanct place. This confers on the building a static quality; the concrete and glass structure does not lend itself to rearrangement or partitioning. The need to set aside a small gathering place thus is clearly problematic.
Yet the ASC is eager to stress its cooperative role of supplementing and bringing to fruition (rather than subverting) the offerings of the VES department. Close contact with the group's faculty advisors, Jane Foley, Assistant Studio Professor, Dimitri Hadzi, Studio Professor and John Stilgoe, Assistant professor, will serve to strengthen these ties; moreover, the group is grateful to Bakanowsky for his encouragement and suggestions.
To insure continued communication along these official channels, the ASC has set up a special Departmental Affairs committee. David Saul chairs this committee; students and faculty members with questions and suggestions can reach him at 8-6369. The group's other committees will oversee student exhibitions, publicity, finance, and the resource bank.
That this organization's time had come is evidenced by the profusion of goals and ideas--almost too many--that it has touched upon and by the energy with which it has grown and developed. In concrete productivity such as events, activities and services the ASC has something valuable to offer to Harvard. At the same time, with those collective activities we hope to gain for ourselves a more visible place in University life, and to be taken more seriously as intellectuals at Harvard. All who are interested are welcome.
Sasha Pyle 80 is a VES concentrator and publicity chairman of the Art Students' Caucus