
Drama Club Votes To Reject Brustein

Konrad said that appointing Brustein and setting up a drama program was "Too big an institutional decision" to be settled on the basis of a three-week timetable.

Elizabeth A. Maguire '80, another HRDC board member, said yesterday Brustein did not satisfactorily answer their questions about the status of House theater under his program. She added that Brustein's program would draw the quality drama students to the Loeb and away from House performances.

"Students studying technical design under Brustein's repertory would not want to go back to Mather House," Maguire said.

Peter Sellars '80, the only theater concentrator at Harvard, called the HRDC's decision "a selfish reaction," adding that drama students have "absolutely nothing to lose" by Brustein's program.

"It's stupid for people to be deprived just because HRDC doesn't want to lose power," Sellars said, adding, "The Loeb is their play-toy and they are afraid of losing it."


Maguire also said that although Brustein claimed he would push for credit in practice and performance, he could give them no guarantees.

Although not satisfied with Brustein's proposal, the HRDC does feel that the Loeb's services now are inadequate, Konrad said. "The creativity at the Loeb is dead, the leadership is moribund," he added.

Konrad said he was impressed with Brustein's presentation at Friday's meeting.

"Brustein would be an exciting change," Konrad said. However, he added that the HRDC feared the administration was "only looking to add to the University's luster, without resolving the problems drama students face.
