
Mark Panarese Is Practically Perfect?

Senior Captain Leads Racquetmen

After a brief discussion, the conspirators agreed that just one call would not be enough. It would be too easy for the tiger mentors to roll over and go back to sleep. They decided instead to leave both a 4 a.m. and a 5:30 a.m. wake-up call for the Princetonians, thereby insuring that they would be wide awake and ready for the day's important events.

As sources at the scene recall, the Princeton leadership seemed, well, just a bit irritable the next day.

NCAA hijinx aside, Panarese's talents for squash, and for keeping the team loose, brighten the prospects of an already outstanding team.

"A captain who sets the right tone for his team," said Coach Fish, "can make a huge difference."

With three tough January matches capped off by Princeton on February 4, the team will be able to use any difference that good leadership or a little bit of luck can make.


And have the senior captain out there plugging away won't exactly hurt.

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