
Moving around

One suite of Yard freshmen conducted their own survey of freshmen to ascertain relative House popularities and then simulated the housing office's lottery procedure with their own computer program in order to plan their optimum course of action.

When Fox first discussed his housing plan with CHUL, he suggested that the Union might be opened on weekends to ease over-crowding in River House dining halls then. Although he mentioned then that this move would require curtailing other services, he did not mention what he eventually decided to implement as a cost-cutter--his limited breakfast plan.

Under this proposal, Fox decided to end hot breakfasts at all Houses except Leverett, Kirkland, Quincy and Currier next year, with continental breakfasts at the other.

This plan aroused student ire as much if not more than earlier decisions did. About 165 Mather and Dunster students dubbed themselves the "Eggshell Alliance," marching on Leverett House for breakfast one morning during reading period.

In response to the student protests against the inconvenience of walking to Leverett for breakfast, and to a letter from the Mather House masters to the same effect, Fox agreed to locate the hot breakfast offering at Mather in 1978-'79 if he decides to rotate the hot meals annually.


Five House committees expressed disapproval of the limited breakfast plan, some advocating a $30 board increase to pay for breakfasts at all the Houses, but Fox held his ground.
