Junior NAACP
A group of Harvard students raised $950 for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) this year to help finance its appeal of a decision awarding $1.25 million to Mississippi shopkeepers the NAACP allegedly damaged during a 1966 boycott protesting racial discrimination.
Stocks and bonds
The University's Advisory Committee on Shareholder Responsibility (ACSR) offered the Harvard Corporation an unprecedented number of anti-management recommendations on shareholding issues this year, ranging from investment in South Africa to the Arab boycott. But in several key instances, the Corporation refused to heed the ACSR's advice and vote against the management of companies like Mobil, Gulf Oil, General Electric and Manufacturers Hanover.
Five out of six times, Harvard failed to support anti-apartheid shareholder resolutions that would have forced companies to withdraw or stop expanding their operations in South Africa.
And while students on campuses such as Stanford, Hampshire College and Berkely demonstrated against their colleges' holdings in companies with investments in South Africa, students at Harvard seemed to ignore the whole issue.