
Students Must Get Permission To Hold Parties in Eliot Entry

In a meeting last night with residents of Eliot House H-entry, Allan E. Heimert '49 House master, said students must receive permission 48 hours in advance to hold gatherings of more than five persons in their rooms, students present at the meeting said yesterday.

Damage to the entry during a Thursday night party led Heimert and Laura Gordon Fisher, Senior Tutor, to call the meeting of all entry residents and to cancel last Friday's happy hour.

Heimert announced he will allow happy hours to go on as usual, beginning this Friday, Eliot residents said.

Neither Heimert nor Fisher were available for comment yesterday.

Rowdiness No More


Those at the meeting reported that Heimert said a letter would be sent to all entry members specifying damages to the entry, outlining the established rules concerning noise in students' rooms and stating the new rules about advance notice for student gatherings.

The master said copies of the letter would be kept in each student's House file, students who attended the meeting said.

Tenant A. Tranchin '77, a resident in the entry, said that at the meeting Heimert read a list of the damages that have occurred in the entry this year. Heimert also said H-entry has already exhausted the Buildings and Grounds' budget for repairs at the House, Tranchin added.

Invite Me Too

Heimert also said he had never seen as much damage in one entry as has occurred in H-entry this year, another student said.

Heimert indicated the purpose of the rule is to make sure the House office knows in advance when a party will take place and that permission will always be granted, those present at the meeting said.

Tranchin said yesterday many people at the meeting disapproved of the new rule.

One entry member said the new rule is "pretty strict and pretty ridiculous."

He added, "I thought it was an abuse of power on the part of the master, but I suppose he has the power."

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