
Meal Sign-Offs May Not Raise Clerical Costs

Food Group Head Explains Proposal

Sign-Offs from a limited number of House and Union meals would not necessarily cost the University any more in book-keeping expenses, the chairman of the Student Council's Food Committee asserted yesterday.

At the same time, he expanded on his committee's proposal that undergraduates be permitted once again to sign-off for seven meals per week. The essence of the proposed plan, which may now not be formally presented until next fall, would be a ruling that students must sign-off from one particular meal for an entire academic year.

The committee chairman, Theodore O. Moskowitz '58, explained that his group has been unable to submit its detailed recommendations to this year's Council for discussion, because he has not yet obtained the promised budget of the Dining Halls Department. He said he had been assured by William A. Heaman, Manager of Dining Halls, however, that an itemized budget would be forwarded to the committee before the end of the year.

Under the proposed plan, undergraduates would indicate in September which meal, if any, they desired to take off-board. Those wishing to eat out would be obligated to hold to this commitment throughout the school year, Moskowitz noted. Students would ba allowed, however, to eat at transient board rates whenever they wished to take single meals during their sing-off period.

"We feel that in view of the fact that the dining halls now take attendance at every meal, very little increased book-keeping would result from permitting sign-off," he stated, adding that "what increase there might be would certainly not be enough to negate the plan."


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