
Students Respond to Tuition Increase

$7000 Figure Was No Surprise

Singer, who may look for a part-time job next year, said he regrets the burden on his father. "Right now I'm contributing $250 a year which is not a hell of a lot," he added.

Several students interviewed said the continuous rise in costs prevents them from taking leaves of absence.

"If I left for a year, I'd have to pay several hundred more dollars the next year and get nothing extra for it," one junior said.

Peter Durbin '77 also said money was a factor which prevented him from taking time off, adding that college costs were approximately $5600 when he entered Harvard.

Durbin said he hopes increased government aid to educational institutions will halt the current inflationary trend.


One freshman said she is resigned to facing tuition boosts every year. She added, though, that when she warned her parents about next fall's term bill "they weren't exactly thrilled."
