To continue some of the findings of this Senate report:
"Most informed observers feel that Iran will not be able to absorb and operate within the next five to ten years a large portion of the sophisticated military systems purchased from the U.S. unless increasing numbers of American personnel go to Iran in a support capacity.
"The presence of large and growing numbers of Americans in Iran has already given rise to socio-economic problems. Although many of these have proven to be manageable, they could become worse should there be a major change in U.S.-Iranian relations."
Then, The Christian Science Monitor "Inside The News--Briefly" of November 29th, highlights "Iran tied to torture, political jailings. Indeed, this makes me wonder even more why we are becoming so deeply committed in quicksand in this part of planet earth?
True, we have the usual comments that Iran's long frontiers with the Soviet Union require protection as a part of our Western defense system, and that we require the oil that Iran has available. The question is whether or not we are proceeding to obtain these objectives in the correct manner?
In conclusion, read the above mentioned Senate report about the turn of events in Iran. These facts will help you to recall why we protested our involvement in Vietnam--after many thousands of American lives were lost and billions of dollars mis-spent. Now is the time to protest what we are doing in Iran!
David B. McCosker works at the Graduate School of Design.