
If You Can't Get a Rhodes, There's Still Hope

Savoir-Faire on Grad School

If Harvard ever doubted the merits of its "Athletics For All" philosophy, Bob Bowman stands as a sterling example of why this philosophy should be maintained.

Without intramural athletics, Bowman, and others like him, would be like an alcoholic without a Father's Six. For Bowman, intramurals represent not an extracurricular but the only curricular activity. "I'd say that I spend about 110 per cent of my time involved with intramurals," Bowman said yesterday afternoon (which was really morning for him). When questioned as to what he does the other 20 per cent of the time, Bowman refused to comment.

In addition to the obvious benefits to be derived from such an intramural life, there are financial ones for people like Bowman who rise in the hierarchy to the position of athletic secretary.

For one thing, there's $250 a term in varsity money. "But most of that usually goes to signing big-name athletes to play for Winthrop House" Bowman said while doing his best George Steinbrenner imitation. "Why, I had to give Mullen $60 to play hockey."

Under Bowman's leadership, Winthrop House captured the coveted Strauss Cup last year, awarded annually to the house which garners the most points in intramural competition.


This entire subject of intramural sports, of course, is an extremely touchy one around the upper echelons of the university. Questions of space and monetary allocations for non-varsity athletes rank right up there with the DNA controversy, but as far as Bowman is concerned, there shouldn't be any questions whatsoever.

"Just look at the benefits of intramural athletics" he shouted into his sweatshirt. "They provide opportunities to work off the beer from the party the night before and they get you out of bed before dinner."

This last consideration, of course, is especially appropriate during reading period, when intramurals rage on as if exams were just a figment of some admissions officer's imagination.

And then to make his point, Bowman emphasized how many people benefit from the intramural program. "On the one hand," he said, "there are studs like me, and on the other, people like you."

With such credentials, it is more than surprising that Bowman wasn't accepted into the Floyd S. Wilson Graduate School of Intramural Athletics as soon as he sent in a postcard requesting an application.

After all, he's got the geographical distribution (Milwaukee), the connections (he knows Wilson) and the drinking capacity. And besides, at last count, there was no one else applying.
