A hodgepodge of entertaining exhibits are scattered around these days--they provide no Aesthetic Experiences, but a good deal of artistic pleasure.
At the MFA: Alfred Leslie, through June 27th. Leslie's monumental works are enthusiastically heroic, sweeping. Only too super-real.
At the ICA (Institute for Contemporary Art): Catherine Murphy, through May 27th. The consciously mundane reality Murphy sees is so empty that it is disturbing. The meticulous technique of these paintings challenge the viewer to find a meaning, any meaning.
Opening May 12 at the ICA: David von Schlegell, through June 8. Schelegell creates for the environment; his pieces make part--and art--of the landscape they stand in. This response to the space of the ICA embodies the best principles of modern design. The works, like the phrase, are not exactly novel, but they are contemporary and elegant.
James Weeks at Sunne Savage Gallery. 105 Newbury St., through June 5.
The medium is the massage and the message in these "poetically" fuzzy views of an acrylic reality.
Masuo Ikeda: Three Portfolois--"Traveller's Joy", "Seven Deadly Sins", and "Venus". Art/Asia Gallery, 49 Palmer St. Cambridge, through June 5.
Ikeda's line has a sense of sensual humor like Aubrey Beardsley's. The technique of these etchings is effortless, but full of life. Spring incarnate.
A strong pat on the back to the biggest hodge-podge of all, the Lowell House Art Show. Through until-they-feel-like-taking-it-down.
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