Dear B.S.,
I'm a big fan, of Michael K. Savit. Could you tell me what he looks like and where I could write him?
Savoir-Faire Maiden
Dear Maiden,
Mike's a pretty busy guy, but you can reach him by writing him c/o Winthrop House Superintendent. As far as looks go, I've heard more than one person say that Mike is the spitting image of Robert Redford--with plastic surgery, a bad nose job and black hair.
Dear B.S.,
I have a friend who says that Bill Carey is the center for the Crimson basketball squad. I keep telling him that the center is Steve Irion, who just looks like Carey. Who's right?
Pivot Peave
Dear P.P.,
You're right, it is Steve Irion. Last year Carey gave Irion a "Mission Impossible Mask Kit" for Christmas and Steve made a mask that looked just like Carey. He didn't try it out until the Cornell game last year, when he netted 19 points, largely because The Big Red was so intimidated by the presence of two Bill Careys. They didn't know who to guard. Now Steve wears it all the time and--what can I say?--the Hoopsters are 3-3 and he's a star.
Well, I guess that's about it. Keep those epistles coming. I'll see you at the IAB.