
It Wasn't a Good Week for Incumbents

Tom Columns

"Well then," Gerry Joe gasped, "I can at least dole out a few lumps to "Fritz" Cozza. There's no reason why he should be able to get half of the title. I'll split that ticket if it's the last thing I do."

"Yes dear," Betty offered weakly. "Anything you say, dear."

There was little hope in the Square Office. Jimmy "Peanut" Anderson from Providence and Walter "Fritz" Cozza of New Haven seemed destined to assume the top spots in the Ivy League. Gerry Joe's cries for the status quo had gone unheeded. * * * * *

With the days of the season dwindling down to a precious (?) few, here are this week's winners:

CORNELL at COLUMBIA--Due to lack of interest, this game has been cancelled. In order to determine a winner, officials from the two schools will meet in a pick-up basketball game next summer. Cornell 23, Columbia 22.


PRINCETON at YALE--They say that Princeton has a good shot at an upset this week. They say that Yale is looking ahead to Harvard. But who are they to say such things? I have no respect for their opinion on the subject. Yale 22, Princeton 18.

DARTMOUTH at BROWN--The entire city of Providence has been through this before. Last year, for instance, Brown lost a championship game by a 45-26 score. The ingredients for a Big Disappointment are present again, and Dartmouth is just the team to make them stick. Dartmouth 27, Brown 0.

HARVARD at PENN--With thoughts of Brown still lingering and thoughts of Yale just arriving, thoughts of Penn are getting lost in the shuffle. If ever a game smelled of upset, it's this one. Here's hoping that the Crimson can get its head clear before game time. Harvard 26, Penn 17.

Last week: 2 right, 2 wrong.

Season: 28 right, 7 wrong (.800)
