
Mass. Meal Tax to Boost Board Bills by $87.50

If that plan is accepted by the legislature board bills would go up by $54.50 instead of the expected $87.20.

The Office of Fiscal Services did not say what effect the tax would have on the board paid by students on financial aid. It did say scholarship students would be notified individually.

Boverini held off defeat of his bill exempting college board earlier this year by overturning the unfavorable report of the Senate Taxation Committee on the floor of the Senate.

An side to Boverini said last month a "repeat performance" of that victory on the floor of the Senate was "unlikely."

One of the reasons the bill exempting college board contracts is not likely to pass is that sources in the Mass. Office of Administration and Finance have said that taxes on college board are a good source of out-of-state money.


Students paid $1000 for their board bills in 1974-75. But the Corporation announced a $90 hike of the board bill in February. University officials cited food price inflation as the reason for the increase.
