Well I've always had a deep respect and I mean that most sincerely.
The band is just fantastic, that is really what I think.
Oh by the way, which one is Pink?
The title cut, similar to Dark Side's "Time". though its lyrics are not so compelling, gives way to the conclusion (Parts VI-IX) of "Shine on You Crazy Diamond."
THE ALBUM as a whole is well-conceived, and the majority of Pink Floyd's fans will most likely be satisfied. There is, however, something missing that makes Wish You Were Here a cut below its predecessor. No where on this album is found the grating guitar solo of "Time" or the rasping saxophone of "Money." Even "Welcome to the Machine," with all its electronic wizardry, lacks the sense of urgency conveyed by Water's "On the Run."
In a technical sense, this album is on a par with Dark Side of the Moon. This is hardly surprising, since it is precisely this technical perfection that Pink Floyd has pursued and mastered in the course of their existence. What is lacking above all is the inspiration found throughout Dark Side of the Moon, the quality which transforms a good work into a great one. Whether this inspiration will surface on their next album, one has to wait to see. I suspect the wait this time will be considerably shorter.