
City Council Votes Against Building Of McDonald's

* Have the City Solicitor determine the legality of the demolition and restaurant permits involved in the case and at the same time ask the respective authorizing boards to revoke the permits;

* Order the new City Manager James Leo Sullivan to use his right of "eminent domain" so that the city could acquire the property;

* Order the City Planning Board to hold hearings on Central Square development within 30 days and post a schedule of subsequent hearings on a comprehensive plan for the whole city;

* Seek to revive a planning group to evaluate the development of Central Square and to order the Traffic Commission to review the Traffic Commission to review the traffic problems in the area;

* Ask the City Historical Commission if the building could be declared "an historic site" as well as to ask the Bicentennial Commission if it could use a floor of the building for its headquarters; and,


* Notify the McDonald's Corporation of the City Council's opposition to constructing fast-food restaurants in Cambridge
