
The Second Annual Crimson Cube Sports Quiz

2. a. Seattle Pilots b. Minneapolis c. Phila. d. Phila. e. Wash. Senators.

3. a. Millionaire Grocer b. Financier c. Controversial

4. None

b. Don Money, Norm Cash, Dave Cash, Ernie Banks, Bobby Bonds.

c. 1st baseman, Mets


d. Roy White e. c.65 f. Colt 45's g. DiMaggio

6. a. See Globe b. fledging

7. a. Bill van Breda Kolff b. Heyward Dotson

8. a. The STP he drank before the race clogged his valves

b. Unknown c. sign-in at the Olympics d. Tenzing Norkhay e. Lake Placid f. Kyle rote

g. Good Friday, a horse, fell in a race in England in the 1920's

h.Mark Evans i.1Tams 2.Pacers 3.Squires 4.Conquistadors j.Fred Hemings Jr. k. Fordham, asst. Penn.
