Seraph: What did he say?
Eve: As I recall, he said, "Wow!" Then he kind of laughed and said, "And I thought they were just ribbing me." Then he said "Wow!" again. Two "Wows".
Seraph: And who did you assumed that "they" referred to?
Eve: Well, I later assumed he was talking about the ones he called the "Higher-ups." At the time he could have been talking about the fruit flies for all I knew.
Seraph: I see. And was there any further discussion of these "Higher-ups"?
Eve: No, I don't think so. We were kind of occupied. You know getting acquainted and all.
Seraph: Now, you're sure this is the only mention that Adam made of the "Higher-ups"?
Eve: Well, he also said something about what the Highest-up had told him about the two trees in the center of the Garden.
Seraph: Ah hah. And what was that?
Eve: Well, as I understood it from Adam, the Highest-up had put it this way: You do your thing, and I'll do my thing. But if you eat of the fruit of the two trees at the center of the Garden, you better start packing.
Seraph: So there was no question in either of your minds, then, that eating the fruit of those two trees was a no-no, was there?
Eve: Well, yes and no. With all due respect, what the Highest-up said didn't really make much sense.
Seraph: What do you mean?
Eve: I mean, it wasn't as though we had much to pack. We weren't even wearing fig leaves yet.
Seraph: We'll get to the fig leaves in good time. Right now, let's talk about the actual burglary of the TKGE. To the best of your recollection, what happened that day?
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