
Dependency in a Surgical Ward

Cappella by Israel Horovitz Harper and Row; $5.95; 181 pages

Old, familiar, but half-forgotten, Death

Appears before my aching soul afresh

With tender words, "Oh woman, cease to suffer.

Cease to care for what you won't attain

And would not want. In life there is no love


That will not vex, and vanish, when whims move,

And pleasure in life is merely lost in pain."

And there is no one who can comfort me

More than this lover who always comes to make

His offer. Yet I have refused each time to take

Him, stiffening from pride, or fear, or prudery,

Or perhaps I have so long remained unbending

Preferring ever the wooing to the ending. --Joan Isaacson

the words unspoken

shook the walls and rattled the window frames
