
News From a Socialist America

Off the Town

The American forces are spearheaded by the crack Eugene V. Debs and Salvador Allende divisions, fresh from their lightning victory over the Greek dictatorship. One soldier, Buzz Palmer of Gary, Indiana, said today, "Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg would be ashamed if they saw what socialism has come to mean in eastern Europe. We will join with our brothers and sisters and fight for their dream."

Volunteers from places as diverse as Cuba and Thailand are streaming into enlistment posts just behind the Socialist American lines. Jose Garcia, who once was a member of the Tupamaros, the Uruguayan urban guerrilla organization, explained that the dictatorship in his country was withering away.

"Since the American Revolution, the United States has stopped aiding the fascists in my country," Garcia said. "The military--like the right in other Latin American countries--is without money, arms or advice. The left is reappearing and the days of repression are numbered. I have come here because this struggle is more intense. I am a citizen of the world."

MEXICO CITY, Mexico--An international tribunal today heard the opening arguments in the war crimes trials of Henry Kissinger, Robert McNamara and nine other defendents. The 11 are accused of plotting an aggressive war and of violating 18 points of the Geneva and Hague Conventions, including those which prohibit international bombing of civilians and torturing of prisoners.

The Indian special prosecutor said at the outset he would not ask for the death penalty. "We believe these men are guilty of willful and brutal genocide," he told the court. "The blood of one and one-half miilion Vietnamese stains their hands. But to execute them would only be a pale imitation of their own crimes. We only want them locked up to protect the rest of the world."


MONTREAL, Canada--Delegates from 25 countries arrived here today for a provisionary meeting of the new Socialist International. The delegates convened in the newly dedicated Ho Chi Minh Auditorium and immediately ratified a statement pledging support for the principles of socialism and internationalism.

"The struggle is only beginning," the statement read. "After the last reactionary governments have been deposed, the construction of socialism must begin. It will require international cooperation and understanding. The poor countries will still be poor. There will still be children to educate, sick to heal, bonds of friendship and cooperation to be forged. The process will be difficult; it will require the help of every citizen on this planet. But let it begin."
