
George McGovern, One Year After the Landslide

A: Yes, I think they're perhaps more embarrassed--and more anguished--about this than the Democrats are. Especially Democrats who did what they could to bring about a change in the administration in the election last year. They saw the need for change then, but Republicans and those who supported the administration in the last campaign, I'm sure, feel more of a sense of regret and anguish about it because they've been let down by their leader, by their candidate.

Q: Will you vote to confirm Gerald Ford?

A: I would be inclined to. I don't want to make any hard commitment on that until the investigation is completed and we've gotten the verdict of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees. I would be somewhat inclined to go along on somewhat pragmatic grounds in that I think it may be the precondition for either a presidential resignation or for impeachment.

Q: Do you see yourself as a possible leader in the impeachment move or in the move for Ford's confirmation?

A: No, I think it would be better if I were not the leader on either count. As the one who was defeated by the president. I don't want to do anything that might open the charge that this is a vendetta on the part of the defeated team. So I think that it might be in better taste for someone else to carry that responsibility on both impeachment and also on the Ford confirmation.


Q: Are you satisfied that Ford could handle the presidency?

A: He would not have been my choice. I always had reservations about the other vice president, Mr. Agnew. As to where Ford could fit with comparison to Agnew, I suppose there's not a great deal of difference--in terms of qualifications.

Nixon's Mental Health

Q: There are a lot of rumors now about Nixon's mental health. Some people say that, faced with a serious threat of impeachment, he might just lock himself in the White House, declare martial law, and continue to govern, or do what passes for governing.

A: Well, I don't want to speculate on that.

Q: But you're not worried about that at all?

A: Well, I just would rather not get into it. We're not really competent to pass judgment long distance on the president's emotional and mental state.

Q: Is there a lot of talk about his mental state now, though?

A: Well, I've seen the speculation in the press about it.

Q: What about among senators? Are they worried about that?
