

by Michael Casey, Yale University Press, $1.75

On department of defense

Form six-two-niner

Subject's vehicle was secured

At scene by Mike Papas

Did they ever whip


His sorry ass...

Other peculiarities of military speech and tone abound: an officer's continual mispronunciation of a soldier's name, the false bravado and condescension of childish officers and men, and hyperbole filled with paradoxical accuracy:

Sergeant Rock was in the army

Since the day he was born

He was in the war of the babies.

Casey at no time tells the reader what to think, but the obvious honesty of his account and its deceptive simplicity make his points more deftly and forcefully than if he had:

If you see a little bald-headed kid

Don't do that

Don't go pattin him on the head

This kid's Buddhist

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