
Angola, Gulf, and Harvard

In order to focus more attention on the essential importance of this issue and Harvard's consistent refusal to act upon it in a meaningful way (i.e. divestiture), a series of actions have been initiated by PALC and Afro.

March 6, 1972

Five hundred black crosses were planted in Harvard Yard to symbolize Harvard's involvement in the murder of African people in the wars in Angola and Mozambique. Petitions demanding divestiture of Gulf stock were circulated.

March 16, 1972

A teach-in was held on the liberation struggles in Southern Africa, featuring Robert Van Lierop, and independent Black filmmaker.


March 28, 1972

Rally held on the steps of Memorial Church, condemning Harvard for refusal to divest.

April 4, 1972

PALC presented its issued to the Corporation.

April 5, 1972

Black Caucus states its support of the PALC-raised issue.

April 20, 1972

Occupation of Massachusetts Hall. The student body gave continuous support to this action throughout its seven-day duration, and Black organizations and individuals across the country also voiced their support.

April 26, 1972

Mass rally held in Harvard attended by over 1500 people, and the occupation was voluntarily ended
