
University Wants More Women on Faculty

Proposed Safeguards

The three most important aspects of the "procedural safeguards" will be the creation of data banks of qualified women in different fields at the Radcliffe Institute; the placement "wherever feasible" of women on search committees to find faculty appointments: and an inquiry at the ad hoc meetings to determine whether women have been adequately considered.

Last Fall, Bok sent memos to all department heads warning them that they would have to show "explicit evidence" at the ad hoc meetings they have satisfactorily considered women and other minority candidates. Bok will have about ten more ad hoc committee meetings to consider appointments within the next month.

Dunlop to Warn Departments

The Standing Committee on Women--set up last Spring by the Committee on the Status of Women and passed by Faculty vote in May--also sent out a memo endorsed by Dean Dunlop to department heads which warned that in May Dunlop would ask each department head to show "the number of women in faculty positions" and what steps were taken to increase their number.


"We have no official power. All we can do is visit department heads and ask them to consider more women. Since there are only about 15 tenured appointments made a year, we are emphasizing getting more assistant professors and instructors, okay."

"I think two full-time tenured woman faculty member appointments a year would be a wonderful thing," he said, adding that he was more optimistic about increasing the number of woman assistant professors.

Predicted Increase

Barad predicted that the number of woman assistant professors will increase this year.

"I'd like to see the number of assistant professors go up form seventeen to twenty-five but I can't be sure of how many," he said.

Despite these increased efforts by the Administration, the selection of faculty members rests mainly at the departmental level. Each department creates a search committee which then presents its choice to an ad hoc committee chosen by the President. The President has the final decision-making power.

Most faculty appointments are made between January and April although selection of full-time faculty professors can be made any time in the year
