* that the Union be recognized as the sole bargaining agent for graduate students and teaching fellows:
* that the GSAS provide to students guaranteed tuition and living expenses.
Walzer said he "wasn't so sure" that the Union was heavily represented.
"The Union's Steering Committee had at one time voted not to participate in committee including members of the Administration," he said. "This election indicates that we have no reason to suspect that this elected group and the Steering Committee are the same people."
"I'm glad I'll be able to deal with a panel and not a secret maverick group of the Steering Committee," he added.
One graduate student elected to the Commission disputed Walzer's recollection of the Union's Steering Committee decision.
"At our last meeting, we discussed a boycott of these elections, but ultimately decided against it. The people who organized this slate and the so-called 'maverick group' are one and the same," he said