Secondly, the group is probably the first blue grass group to feature each member equally and the reason becomes obvious as you listen to them. There is not a weak spot in the group. You can look forward to every break, never knowing that it will be exciting and original.
One of the most exciting aspects of the group is the double banjo work, which has no par in blue grass today. The guitar also without equal, is heavily influenced by blues, and many who have heard this group feel that Country Cooking is the first true synthesis between blues and blue grass.
One other way in which the group differs from the traditional blue grass group is that the lead singer is a woman, and not just a fixture. There's no pussyfooting here, no soft love songs. Just hard-driving singing, in a strong wailing voice.
Real beauty is tough, in that it endures; but it is also delicate. The Civil War was never really satisfactorily concluded, insofar as its cause was a lack of mutual understanding. The North, in winning, did not win all, nor did the South altogether lose.
It has been said that climate and geography have much to do with the fact that human qualities develop so diversely, but the important point is that they do. Mountain music is one way of bringing people of all kinds together. "Thar's gold in them thar hills."
"That wildness of spirit which it is still our grace to believe is the full mark of humanness." --Lionel Trilling