
Suddenly, The Streets Were Empty...

* Radcliffe will retain ownership of its property and endowments;

* Harvard will assume the operation of Hilles Library as well as the day-to-day operation of college buildings and dining services;

* Radcliffe will pay to Harvard 100 percent of its income from endowment, tuition fees and rents, and Harvard will assume the total expense of Radcliffe's operation, including joint fund-raising;

* Radcliffe Houses will become part of a unified House System under the Faculty of Arts and Sciences; and,

Radcliffe will retain control fo the Schlesinger Library, the Radcliffe Institute, the Alumnae Office and financial aids and admissions.


Mary I. Bunting thus becomes the last president of Radcliffe College. She and her successors will hold the title of dean of Radcliffe.


Six women joined Harvard faculties as full professors on July 1, bringing to 12 the number of women holding tenured positions in the University. One professor--Isabel G. MacCaffrey--is the first Kenan Professor of History and Literature, a chair established this year for a faculty member with a special interest in undergraduate education.

The other women appointees are: Charlotte C. Campbell, professor of Medical Mycology; Dorritt Cohn, professor of German; Betty G. Uzman, professor of Pathology: Luise Vosgerchian, professor of Music; and, Margorie A.C. Young, professor of Health Education.

The additions constitute half of the current breakdown of women professors holding tenured positions in three of Harvard's eight faculties: Education (1), Medicine (5) and Arts and Sciences (6).


The Harvard Yard Child Care Center opened in July in the basement of Memorial Church. It is now the part-time home for about 14 children from the ages of two to five years.

A professionally-staffed day-care center governed by parents and open to the children of Harvard employees, students and faculty, the Center is the first parent-initiated day-care center in the University. Space for the Center, as well as heat and partial janatorial services, are being provided free by the University.

Tuition for the Center is $30 per week for full-time care, and $20 for part-time care. The tuition, together with some private donations, constitute the only source of funds for the Center.

