
Pusey Letter Asks Students's Opinions; May Be New Trend

With the selection of Dean Bok as the new President of Harvard a matter of great significance facing the University and the Law School is the appointment of his successor as Dean. Although the power of appointment rests in the President and Fellows, I think that it is of the utmost importance that this power be exercised only after wide-ranging consultation and discussion. An effort will be made to seek opinions of many people interested and informed about legal education at Harvard and elsewhere. Not least among those whose views will be valued are those of students now at the School. It will be helpful to have their advice both on the personal and educational qualities they think important in a dean and their suggestions for persons to be considered- so that their views can be brought to bear in a systematic way in the selection process.

I understand that the Law School Committee on Governance, of which you are chairman, has student members from all classes at the School, elected by their classmates to consider matters relating to the governance of the Law School. As such, the Committee seemed to Dean Bok and me to be the appropriate vehicle to assist us in canvassing the views of the students and making them available to us during the selection process. Accordingly, with Dean Bok's warm concurrence, I am asking your committee to undertake that task.

The Committee will have to decide on the procedures that will be followed to insure a fair and balanced representation of the views of the student body. Dean Bok and I would be available to meet with members of the committee to provide an opportunity for a meaningful exchange among us. Perhaps it would be desirable to have a first meeting at an early date to get acquainted and to review the steps in the selection process in its entirety.

You will understand, of course, that the Committee cannot be made the exclusive channel for communication of student opinion on the selection of a new dean. Every student must feel free to write directly to Dean Bok or me, and I hope many will. Thoughtful and considered communication in writing has been very helpful to me in selecting deans of faculties in the past. Moreover, there are groups within the student body who may have a special outlook or perspective. If any of these should think it desirable to communicate their views other than through the Committee on Governance. I am sure we shall be able to work out suitable arrangements.

Meanwhile, I hope the Committee can begin promptly on a process that will insure that the views and concerns of the student body at the Law School, in all their range and diversity, will be brought appropriately to bear on this decision of such great importance to us all.


Sincerely yours, Nathan M. Pusey
